Updated: April 11, 2001
FTP Server Size: 1590 files, 7.23GB
Launched: March 21, 2001

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Welcome to Zooropa FTP!!

Welcome friends of Zooropa!!!
This ftp is for use by friends of Zooropa only!!!
Feel free to download as many files as you like. Feel free to upload files as well. To download, click the link below to access the FTP server. "Copy files to folder" to download.
To upload, "drag and drop" files like you would on your own computer. You may find it easier to use an FTP client like "CuteFTP" or Bulletbroof FTP".

If accessing the FTP with an FTP Client, you will need the following info:
Site Address: zooropa.dyndns.org
Username: warez
Password: warez
Port: 21

At times, the server may be slow. Be patient.

If the server is down, come back later. I will try to keep the
server up as often as I can.

If you have any comments, suggestions or requests,email me!

For update info and news Click Here.

Click here to enter Zooropa FTP

Click here to upload files to Zooropa FTP